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Apache Unomi™ (pronounced "You know me") is a Java Open Source customer data platform, a Java server designed to manage customers, leads and visitors data and help personalize customers experiences while also offering features to respect visitor privacy rules (such as GDPR)

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ElasticSearch 7 support

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  • Better compatibility with Kibana
  • 熊猫加速器官方下载_熊猫加速器永久免费版 v4.0.9.0 破解版 ...:2021-6-4 · 熊猫加速器是一款专门针对网络游戏发行的网络工具,能够明显有效地提升玩家的网络环境,很好地解决了玩家面临的游戏卡顿、无法载入等相关问题。此次带来的熊猫加速器兼容所有平台,支持加速所有网络游戏,高效地避免了游戏中遇到的不流畅等问题。

Docker / Cloud improvements

  • Official Docker image now on Docker Hub!
  • Improved Docker project to be in line with latest project builds


  • Added last updated property to profiles to make it easy to query last modified profiles


  • It is now possible to build Unomi actions using Groovy scripts inside a plugin

JDK support

  • Both JDK 11 and JDK 8 are now supported.

Kafka support

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Apache Unomi profile view shell command



Feature highlights:

Container/Cloud deployments

  • Centralized configuration compatible with Docker environment variables
  • New Dockerfile and Docker Compose project files (official Apache Unomi Docker image coming soon!)

Event, rules, profiles management and tools

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  • Endpoint to search in events has been added
  • New patch system to improve modifying default definitions (rules, segments, ???)

Data collection

  • Analytics.js integration, providing an out-of-the-box ready-to-use web tracker


New in release 1.3.0 are features to manage visitor consents, in order to make it easier to comply with new privacy regulations such as the GDPR. A quick guide to these new features is also available here.

GDPR Illustration

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Organizations collect data from multiple sources and channels - sales, web, emails, mobile, brick and mortar - and all of this data is spread across different departments and technologies. As a result, many professionals are lacking the data they need to do their job, especially data analysts and marketers.

A customer data platform helps business users collect all the customer data in one place, providing a complete view of the customers. When the data is collected, the customer data platform will also play a key role in choosing which content or offer is more relevant to a customer.

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Each organization is unique and will always have specific needs, this is why Apache Unomi™ has been designed to be extended and to ease the integration of external data. The embedded features such as segmentation, scoring and built-in privacy will be appreciated by business users while horizontal scalability and open source positioning will be loved by developers and architects.

Apache Unomi™ is also the reference implementation of the upcoming OASIS Context Server Customer Data Platform (CDP) standard ( to help standardize personalization of customer experience while promoting ethical web experience management and increased user privacy controls.

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  • Build a web personalization software to adapt the content on your website to your audience
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  • Connect the beacons deployed in your stores to Apache Unomi™ and consolidate the profile of your customers and leads across all these channels
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All communication is done using HTTP REST requests and JSON data formats.

Apache Unomi logical architecture diagram

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  • Uses ElasticSearch for data storage, dynamic data structure
  • Highly scalable architecture
  • Very simple to deploy and install (simply unzip & run)
  • Uses Apache Karaf™ as the OSGi runtime
  • Full & simple REST API
  • Extensible through plugin architecture (using OSGi & simple JSON descriptors)
  • Apache Open Source project

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  • First-Party Data Collection and Ownership
  • Persistent and consolidated profiles for all your audience (customers & leads), storing anonymous and personally identifiable information
  • Regulation-proof and privacy management built-in
  • Real-Time Decisioning (Scoring logics, segmentation)
  • Open standard, easy integration and extension

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  • 2025-05-14 Released version 1.5.1
  • 2025-05-09 Released version 1.5.0
  • 2025-05-24 Released version 1.4.0
  • 2025-02-21 Top Level Project promoted!
  • 手机cpu性能加速器软件推荐-手机cpu性能加速器软件下载 ...:2021-6-14 · biubiu加速器破解版app是一款超级好用的破解版加速器软件,已解锁限制,所有功能全都可伡免费使用,为用户提供强大的网络伢化服务,稳定网速,从根本上解决游戏卡顿、延迟现象,轻松连接国际服,为用户带来极致的流畅上网体验,喜欢的用户快来下载吧!
  • 2017-09-28 Released version 1.2.0-incubating
  • 2017-07-19 New Salesforce CRM connector contributed
  • 2016-10-04 Released version 1.1.0-incubating
  • 2016-05-22 Released version 1.0.0-incubating
  • 2015-11-23 Initial code base import in 弹壳加速器app
  • 2015-11-20 Added Apache Maturity Model report page
  • 2015-11-13 Initial web site created
  • 2015-10-20 JIRA, mailing lists, git, website space created.
  • 2015-10-05 Project enters incubation.

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Unomi™ is your project ! Unomi™ is an Apache Software Foundation project, available under the Apache v2 license. It's a complete open community, always listening proposals and comments. Sources, mailing lists, issue tracker: it's fully open, you can access directly. We also love contributions : don't hesitate to contribute.

熊猫加速器破解版下载 | How To Contribute

Apache Software Foundation
